
Commonly used resources in our area!

Senior Living Guide

Click the link below for more information on Senior Living in the State of Maryland

Area Agency on Aging

Senior Citizen Services such as:

  • Support Services
  • Elder Abuse
  • Legal Assistance
  • Telephone Reassurance
  • Guardianship
  • Long Term Care Ombudsman
  • Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy
  • Home Delivered Meals
  • Nutrition Counseling
  • Assisted Living
  • In-Home Services
  • Personal Care 
  • Respite

Contact the Mary Browning Senior Center at 301-334-9431


Caregiving Resources

Initiating a conversation about caregiving can be daunting yet crucial. Whether you’re considering caregiving options for a loved one or beginning to navigate this journey, understanding how to broach this sensitive topic is essential. In this guide, we provide practical advice and strategies to help you initiate these conversations effectively, ensuring your loved one’s needs are met with empathy and understanding. From preparing for the discussion to addressing common concerns, this article equips you with the tools to navigate the complexities of caregiving with confidence and compassion. You can take a closer look here:

*Hospice also has a list of private pay caregivers available for your use. These individuals are in no way associated with or promoted by hospice. They have asked us to add them to our list. They may or may not be professionally licensed. Please contact us at 301-334-5151 if you are interested in receiving a copy of our list.

Nursing & Assisted Living Facilities

  • Goodwill Mennonite Retirement Community (Grantsville, MD)- Offers Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Long-Term Care Phone: 301-895-5194
  • Cherry Hill Assisted Living (Accident, MD)- Assisted Living Only Phone: 301-746-8082
  • Peace Healthcare @ Dennett Road (Oakland, MD)- Long Term Care Phone: 301-334-8700
  • Oakland Nursing & Rehabilitation (Oakland, MD)- Long Term Care Phone: 301-334-2319

Medical Equipment

  • Gregg’s Pharmacy: 301-334-2197
  • Kitzmiller Lions Club (Rob Reckart): 301-338-3392
  • Hospice: 301-334-5151

Community Action

For assistance with the following services:

  • After School Programs
  • Community & Economic Development
  • Energy Assistance
  • Food Resources
  • Child Development/Head Start
  • Housing Services
  • Senior Citizen Resources
  • Transportation Services

Phone: 301-334-9431


  • Department of Social Services (Food Stamps, Medicaid, Nursing Home Placement, ect.) Phone: 301-533-3000
  • Garrett County Health Department (Home Care Services, Immunizations, MedBank Program, Adult Evaluation & Review Services, ect.) Phone: 301-334-7777